Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rural Area Police Scanner

.. and hop!

I look at TV-Total High grad jumping. Not very
spectacular, but everything I need tonight, not at all. Find the very funny ^ ^
The week was super stressful. I Mi bi for seminars in Dusseldorf .. and who ever in the morning rush hour of eating in and night out to Dusseldorf Dusseldorf had to get out, who knows how shit is! Some 1.5 hours drive for 40 km! At least
The seminar was very good .. I know now that we are condemned to work a lot need to do in terms of staff development! All the better for me ;-)

Three weeks ago, I'm out riding with my colleague. That was sooo great * _ *
Had to work until Saturday and then we rode through the area for food-Heidhausen around. I got her horse and she on a horse care :-)
I would soooooo go on forever like riding regularly again. But how can I get the time on the chain? Could the week virtually only on Mondays. The rest is already full with other sports events .. Kung Fu, step aerobics, swimming. And on weekends I would have no fixed dates.
must think again because just about it!

is in 27 days already Christmas Eve and I still need nearly all gifts-_-
And who knows my family, who knows, that give us tradition.
Does anyone have a tip for grandparents? I'm really at a loss this year.

morning, cleaned up our loft. We want to set up as a Bonanza corner ^ ^ And it requires space! Actually, I hate such stuff-and-rummage-disposable actions, but I have tomorrow except jog and sunbathe there before and nothing fits quite well the times :-) Outside is always too cold ..

Daniel has given me the way last month for my birthday weekend in London Hach :-))) I'm so so! Has never been there and always wanted there.
14.-16. January, I'll stay in Great Britain so. We have a hotel right in the city.
It is a long time ago that I had to exchange Euros ;-)


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