Friday, April 22, 2005

Bushnell Tactical Review

bohnicz @ 2005-04-22T11: 01:00

LAST ROUND (Counting Crows)

I hang at the pool bar
this dark brown
And slowly the light, it is still
late or early again?
It is quiet on the street, the bartender

to rinse the glasses and you drink a beer,
and I see all the straight crooked

Last lap, last lap
Tonight I found nothing
Last lap, last lap
weighed but found wanting

Again carbonate in the bathroom, Sat
I stumble down the steps
I sat with anything, until
The vote broke down
It is nothing between us,
that I have noticed
So I've quite refreshed, so the disappointment

Last round, last round
Tonight I found nothing
Last round, last round Weighted
but found wanting

I hang at the pool bar
this dark brown
And slowly the light, it is still
late or early again?

Last round, last round
Tonight I found nothing
Last lap, last lap but found wanting

Last Orders

(Text: Peter Butcher

Monday, April 11, 2005

Facial Chicken Pox Mark

bohnicz @ 2005-04-11T21: 56 : 00

Moin ^ ^

God, what a week ... The last 5 days I spent in Prague, with more alcohol than I drank in the last 3 months. Again seen much of the city, with about 100 € a lot of money cut on the head again and not learn czech;)

And a few other things did:
- I was on vacation time to work again (yes I have my lazy butt IN THE COMPANY MOVES * proud *) is,
- my GEZ history has finally been resolved (well, actually it is in 15 months, but the main problem has been eating himself;))
- does my bike
again - my Palm tuts again

Nuja, that's it then times for now. Until then.