Monday, August 16, 2010

How Many Pages Can Be Created In Ms Word

A We booked in Greetsiel

three-day North Sea are behind us :-)
My Dad has since its 58th Birthday celebrated his 60th and my uncle!
Haaaach, I love the East Frisian rest somehow, because everything is done with. The calm and the wind :-) Although it is a pity that Greetsiel now overrun by tourists is.

morning I still have a day off.
And what is Tina as well do ??????? Na
go to town and a bit of shopping:-D
I definitely need a bikini for our Barbadosurlaub! As we fly so in mid-March, it would probably not so smart to wait until the winter with the purchase ;-) Ne jeans I also do not have. So
from the stores!
* * freeeeeeuuuuuuuuu

And now played another hour Monkey Iceland, hehe ..

Friday, August 6, 2010

Used Dinghy For Sale Maryland

^ ^

Sooo, all the thumb lever: it has paid off ^ ^

from 21.3. - 04/04/2011 to Daniel and I live here:


Dann noch was anderes:
Wir waren gestern Abend im Kino, in "Inception".
Ich hatte erst schon Befürchtung einzuschlafen, weil der Film 150 Minuten dauern sollte plus Pause!
Aber dann.. es war wirklich fesselnd. Einfach nur fesselnd, von Anfang bis Ende!!!
Und in der letzten halben Stunde hat man nicht mal mehr einen Mucks im Kino gehört, das war total krass. Alle haben fasziniert nach vorne geschaut!
Sehr empfehlenswert. Unbedingt anschauen! Aber nicht reingehen an konzentrationsarmen Tagen..

Monday, August 2, 2010

How Long Do Cystic Fibrosis Sufferers Live

* bet *

Aaah, wenn alles gut geht, dann fliegen Daniel und ich vom 21.3.2011-04.04.2011 nach Barbados!!! Wir haben uns ein schickes Häuschen direkt am Sea with pool selected. Hopefully
works the booking tomorrow .. please please please! If so, I will of course post the link soon ^ ^

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Where Can I Buy Luster Dust In Toronto


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