Two or three things you I know John
1) people are worse off if they rise in fixed hierarchies (Probably true, but know also nice exceptions, will probably lie to my friends. I love you all!)
2) The first film by David Cronenberg is an interesting re-evaluation of the parasite-topic (ie it must see!)
3) I need to register in mailing lists. (Happened a long time ago)
4) Podcasts are the new radio was (also in the mirror, but as long as you still do not get delivered to the car, I believe in it do not. What is also with the information broadcasts?)
5) Ulf Poschardt is evil! The
this article Ulf Poschardt could be a big issue, I would have thought at all now. Above all, not because Ulf Poschardt so now were one of those types have always been responsible for the social component of their actions had absolutely no view. I do not remember who it was who wrote that must have been the mid nineties a pretty disastrous time when you with someone like Poschardt on the same side was, but it's true. Despite all the fun that made the reading of the SZ-Magazin sometimes was somehow clear that this was done for a newspaper buyers, with which you yourself did not have much in common politically.
But why the fuss? Speaks of not only of what each kind should have been clear, namely that enter the consumption supposedly "dissident" and a left political culture does not need forced marriage? That with Spex-reading is always a distinction profit was connected somehow better to know about music, film or literature (which, of course, not necessarily in the examination of the Spex discussed cultural property brought with it)? Somehow similar to this debate then yes again the topic, have responded that Heath and Potter "The Rebel Sell" : the supposedly depoliticized consumer goods vs. dissident culture. actual policy in the small, or in the case of Poschardt choice recommendation on the federal level. Stupid, if you had to take sides here. And even more stupid when I am stuck in Marburg, where there are legitimate political culture goods from Brecht, Hochhuth and ska bands.
It is far too easy to get to this point Diederich Diederichsen into play, but I will do it anyway. If I understand correctly, has Poschardt just his "Boheme-Marxism" as the false life means the right:
"Thea Dorn rightly pointed out that there are in man or understanding of the state large intersection between the left and liberal ideas, but that the same prevails a Millieutrauma that "all - except the Left - dull, Catholic, pig's stomach-eating, gay-hating, racist, women-behind-the-herd-Wife beaters Neanderthals See schism: the ties to the West Anti-Americanism, twinned with the anti-capitalism, wretched related to the anti-Semitism.. also marked a breaking point. Since the Left is the arch-reactionary like Hohmann and steel near. " Sun Poschardt thus characterizes the Poplinke called, or what is left of her day.
And what can I say: we just stop in the FDP. Honorary chairman is a man named Otto Graf Lambsdorff, who sometimes even former Nazis wanted to bring in his party and among the forced laborers worked out negotiations collaborated to expand the German history for a further Schlusstrich. Then we have Guido Westerwelle, which you certainly can not accuse of homophobia, but there was no problem with the anti-Semites Möllemann grant a prominent role in the party. And should you choose?
Diederichsen said the course smarter than me:
"He (Poschardt) spread the usual neo-liberal slogans that go to the poor better when they take on more responsibility. He is against too much state and against redistribution. And he acknowledges the rise of neo-liberal star with Bloch (!) An "aesthetic of the fore," which the Left had been lost. The compulsion, the NOW! to find cool, so strong that, if no utopia in sight, just the dystopia to utopia is made. Like all neo-liberal ideologues, he bathes in the self-contradiction, on the one hand, globalization is an inevitable development, we must face, even if the hard. At the same time they create many chances and was the toffe economic order that the world could wish for. "
why he may even write for the bedrooms and I only live in journal ...
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