Outside the tube station after midnight
Since Oasis I can express my opinion of the British guitar pop really only in the diction of the Gallagher brothers. With some exceptions (eg the wonderful Twisted Nerve label from Manchester) could cope with the sad presence of post-Thatcherite England's Tony Blair's really only if you "do not look back in anger" literally took. were heirs to the throne after the fact or change self-declared bohemian named followers do not contain Mark Stewart has accused rightly so, everything just kind of immigrant-sounding (Northern Soul, Ska) to ignore the British pop. Art Brut only made it somehow even whith, Spinal Tap but have fortunately then the necessary grave stone on glam-rock set.
also the debut of The Rakes could be deported without first problems in this area. Four pretty good-looking young men, released on V2 and of course the obligatory prefix equipped, without a guilty conscience you could throw the tape in the trash heap of history if we do not at some point in listening times would have to sit up short. What exactly was now the "22 Grand Job" wrong? "There's nothing golden on Golden Lane"? "I just drift along with no focus or meaning"? This is reminiscent not only musically but Gang of Fours "Natural's Not In It" public, Pete Doherty celebrated idyll of the coke sniffing self-destruction seems in any case between Day Job (Work, Work, Work) and the obligatory binge drinking (Pub, Club, Sleep) on the supplied sick toilet be stuck to. Instead, singer Alan Donahue seems to redeem what John Harris called the Guardian some time ago by the British pop . Henceforth the term falsetto and thesaurus-papered interior renovation of the romantic life in the Daffodil pattern into the subway and see again how far we actually comes with the beguiling smile on the pound note Sun
the authentic Expression of presumably permanent proletarianized English Working Class "will have to look somewhere else you still, but not in the Gang of Four was different. But in contrast to the unbearable Damon Albarn Alan Donahue will probably give the first non campaign roadie for Tony Blair.
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