Friday, May 28, 2010

Viginia Expired Gift Card

the everyday 'incidents':
Wednesday, 26/05/2010:
- delivered 218 truckloads of humanitarian goods (5629 t), to 173.405l fuel were in the Gaza Strip.
- Shortly before midnight, two mortar shells smashed into the Eshkol region. There was no damage determined.

Thursday, 05/27/2010:
- A rocket from northern Gaza struck a south of Ashkelon, there has been no damage.
- from the Gaza Strip fired a mortar shell did not come to Israel.
- Soldiers arrested in Judea and Samaria 2 suspicion of terrorist activities sought Arabs.
- south of Tulkarm, soldiers found during an inspection in an Arab car 2 guns and 6 balls.
- In Beitar Illit, an Israeli Arab stone-throwing damaged vehicle.
- When Migdal Oz damaged stone-throwing Arabs, an Israeli vehicle and soldiers are searching the area.
- If a security check at e Enav was displayed at an Arab a large knife.
- At Bet Hagay damaged stone-throwing Arabs, an Israeli vehicle and soldiers are searching the area.
- An Arab who is suspected of the security fence in Bilin thrown stones to have been arrested.
- At Bat Ayin Arabs threw two firebombs at an Israeli vehicle and soldiers are searching the area.
- A resident of Kfar Kassem was arrested after the search of his house, several weapons, police caps and thousands of bullets ammunition were found.
- In the region Shaar HaNegev was heard a loud bang, and it is suspected that a rocket struck.
- The Gaza by Israeli Arabs claim Firing of artillery at Nahal Oz were seven people were injured
- west of Nablus, settlers threw stones at an Arab vehicle; soldiers search for the perpetrators.

In the week of 16-22. May 2010 were 523 truckloads of humanitarian goods (13.517t) plus 938.127l diesel fuel supplied to the Gaza Strip.
left the same period, 281 patients and accompanying persons the Gaza Strip to medical treatment in Israel.
158 employees of international organizations arrived in the Gaza Strip.

In April 2010 a total of 2405 truckloads (58.367t) humanitarian goods and 5.278.798l diesel fuel were delivered to the Gaza Strip.


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