Hmm ... It's Monday evening on a holiday. I am sitting here and bored silly and stupid (but boredom is healthy ^ ^). Since there are yet to make anything better than senseless Quizzler;)
're a Sapphire. You seem to be unreachable, but
deep inside, you are really a nice and warm person
. You are elegant and get along well with people
once you know them.
What Jewel Are You?
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You are a Maine Coon! You are larger than life, a
gentle giant. You are independent, but very
affectionate with your friends and family.
What breed of cat are you?
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You are an earth Dragon! You have a knack for
Nature or animals, and are peaceful, careful,
chariming, and optimistic. You can throw a
tantrum now or then, but who doesnt? You value
simple things in life, such as friends,
familly, and Nature.
What elemental dragon are you?
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You'd turn into a Snowleopard! Like a snowleopard
you are quiet, shy and not seen much and find
it hard to talk to people, but dont really mind
being by yourself. However once you have gotten
over your shyness and are relaxed you are so
different it can be scary! You have a few close
friends who can grasp your strange ways. You
are generally laid back but when you get angry
you get angry and can be very vicious and a
force to be recond with, though few people ever
see this.
What animal would you turn into?
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Joah, das wars wohl ...
Neues gibts wenn weltbewegendes was passiert ist ^ ^