is stealing time ...* * stolen by Tani ^ ^
How are you? - Tired and totally relaxed
The last meal consisted of what? - Half a fish sandwich
What are you drinking right now? - "Orange Nectar" (By all accounts on the can, what it really wants, I do not quite honestly)
Ever drank Vanilla / Cherry Coke? - My life saver on the Anthrocon last year ^ ^
evening news? Today? RTL News? CNN? - Tagesschau
laughed the last time? About what? - A saying from my chemistry teacher, my grade again went through my head
worst idiosyncrasy? - Need to look antibiotics and insect critters
The word from the previous question? - Jupp ^ ^
The last time someone insulted? - Last Monday in response to a "Bolschewistenschwein"
thought the last time in sex? - No Comment ... * Smiles *
When did the last time someone a present and what was the
? - Flowers for my mother on Mother
strawberries, raspberries, currants and gooseberries? - Uii ... Depends on my mood at ^ ^
you love someone? - Yes (That has to almost say "unfortunately" ... * sniff *)
side which celebrities would you like to be buried? - None
When was the last time you were jealous, and why? - No idea
The last computer crash? - Pre-parade
Have you ever looked at ne porn site? - Jepp
And? - BAD ...
paid taxes? - Forced
Really all? - Yes. With 19 criminal is not to be clever.
The most beautiful conclusion of a book? - No idea ...
your first concert? - The Cranberries
your last? - Finntroll, Ensiferum and The Wake
You have won 10,000 euros. You can keep everything, or donate everything
"Doctors without borders". What are you doing? (Do not lie!) - The usual. The rules "optimize" and make a 50/50 drauss;)
solar or freezer burn? - Sunburn. But not bad
High or low blood pressure? - Normal.
sleep on the wall or the edge? cried)
The last time, mainly on a mattress - - Correct? Almost 4 years at the funeral of a good friend
The last time the cemetery? - May explode before 3 or 4 Moanten, at that very friend
The last time lucky? - When I woke up Monday morning, 27 days ago in my own apartment ^ ^
'm Alone or lonely? - It depends. Normally, however, rather alone. Unfortunately, even lonely?? (Bins probably to blame ...
Current favorite CD - "The Schlecht of" of Knorkator
Last TV show - Any cartoon this morning
What are you ashamed of today - for? one or the other from the past 14 years my memory ...
hope or confidence? - Hope: In 99% of cases, almost suicidal much, but a couple things I hold absolutely hopeless for now. Confidence: It depends on the person depends. Normally yes, but with unpleasant person I can be evil ...
Yesterday I made the last move boxes in the basement, and now finally is normality has returned to me (Just to get into the grid must I still to my father). come
=> Who wants is welcome to attend. Only threaten briefly before, so I also "prepared" I;)
hotline telephone threats: 0173 / 1938334
Until later ...